Cognitive Rehabilitaiton Scholarships
M3Kinections believes that the ablility to protect "the only brain we will ever have" should be extended to as many people as possible. In support of this, we have created the M3Kinections scholarship program. Working with like-mined people and organizations, we can provide cognitive rehabilitaiton to those who would otherwise be unable to realize the benefits of our programs. ​
Eighty five percent of jewlery sale proceeds fund scholarships for people in need of cognitive rehabilitation work at the M3Kinections studio.
To learn more about why I am so passionate about the syngery here, or to see how you can help create a scholarship, please click on the Scholarships button.
To learn more about how important it is to provide a safe and compassionate means for people heaing from TBI injuries to be respected, heard and seen, please click on the Patient's Perspective button.
Scholarship Opportunities
If you are interested in discussing other scholarship partnerships or would like to personally fund one, please Contact Us.